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Sunday, February 14, 2021

Review: Write Your Own Script

Write Your Own Script Write Your Own Script by A.L. Brooks
My rating: 5 of 5 stars 
Finished on February 14, 2021
Favorite Scene/Quote: "The urge to sniff her like some kind of lesbian bloodhound in heat was becoming stronger by the minute."

4.5/5 rounded up

I really enjoyed this. I always have concerns when a book involves someone’s coming out story but I this one was written very well, and I absolutely adored it.
I loved the characters, and the plot was done very well. I especially love the Part 1 and Part 2 being used to separate the time they were on vacation and when they were back in the real world.

The relationship between the two felt solid. They may have rushed into a relationship, but it worked. They were able to build up a relationship once they talked their problems through with each other. Maggie even acknowledges that the two may have started something in Norfolk but that some time had passed since then and they needed to try and re-establish a connection and see if they work in the real world. 

Personally, I could have lived without the Lesley plotline. However, I was happy that the author framed it in a way where the characters acknowledged that Lesley made a bad decision instead of Lesley being completely justified in her actions.
I did feel as though the story slowed at times, especially when the two characters weren’t with each other but once the two were back together it found it’s groove again. 

It was also nice to read a story with a romance between a woman in her 50s and another in her late 40s. It is probably my favorite thing about this book. I don’t get to read that very often and it was nice that the author not only had romance for them but wrote sex scenes for them as well. Other authors may have tried to shy away from sexual intimacy between two older women, but Brooks not only wrote it, but wrote very good sex scenes between the two. 

If you want a nice romance with older women who have to overcome difficulties, I recommend this book.

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