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Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Review: Party Wall

Party Wall Party Wall by Cheyenne Blue
My rating: 3 of 5 stars 
Finished on March 2, 2021
Favorite Scene/Quote: Their first date

This is my first Cheyenne Blue book, and I don’t know if it was the best way to start off. I’ll likely try more of her books in the future, but this book didn’t work for me.
Freya and Lily are the main characters. Lily is too happy and friendly and open for me and at times she seemed a bit too good to be true and perfect. Freya is kind of a bitch and she’s harsh and I loved her. I understood and got Freya in a way that I don’t normally do with characters. Especially in the middle and later parts of the book when her feelings were everywhere and negative, I just related to her. Her secret towards the end was the only thing that made me take a step back from her, but I still got it and got her.

There is a main secondary character named Carly. I did not like her. I started off liking her decently well but the more the book progressed, the less I liked her. Especially when she began to confide in Lily instead of Freya. I’m not saying she has to confess to Freya but at first it seemed like the two were close friends so Carly choosing not to talk to her but rather to someone little more than a stranger just felt wrong. Also, towards the end of the book Carly just stopped talking to Freya for a while. Again, allowed but it felt weird. I also don’t like how she tried to, when she got drunk, put Freya and Lily together. I just didn’t like her and then she had some drama in her personal life that effected Lily and Freya and I just thought it was pointless. This drama also included the only male character really mentioned in the book who was a complete asshole.

I also couldn’t get behind the relationship between the two characters. It just felt a bit rushed or something. The two didn’t really get time to grow together and talk to each other and, when they did, it felt a bit out of nowhere. Like when Freya was drinking and then spilled about Sarah to Lily. It just didn’t fit who Freya had been portrayed as previously. There was chemistry towards the end, but I just think the book needed to be longer to give the two characters time to interact and grow and get together.

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