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Monday, March 1, 2021

Review: Conflict of Interest

Conflict of Interest Conflict of Interest by Jae
My rating: 4 of 5 stars 
Finished on March 1, 2021
Favorite Scene/Quote: "It's not a coincidence that the guys and gals with the sloppiest handwriting always get promoted fastest. No one wants to spend hours trying to decipher their reports anymore."

This isn’t my favorite work by Jae but it’s a good read. Trigger warning for sexual assault, rape, and the like.
My biggest issue with the story was that it felt a little too bogged down with the police and court side of things and I just don’t normally enjoy those parts. They were well-written, but I couldn’t get into them.
I really liked the two main characters. Aiden is a detective who works with the sex crime department. Dawn is a psychologist who works with victims of sexual assault and rape. The two characters have a fortuitous meeting where Dawn is a presenter and Aiden is forced to attend. Both characters are initially attracted to each other, but circumstances prevent them from going further with their relationship for a long while.

The writing in this story is really good. I loved the case that was being woven and even the court scenes were well-written and intriguing. The characters had chemistry and it was nice to see them interact with other characters as well. It’s a slow burn romance for multiple reasons, one of them being so there’s no conflict of interest, and I honestly enjoyed it. As much as I love books where the characters are meant to be and jump into a relationship with each other, it’s nice to read the other side as well. I like to read about a relationship that starts off with them being friends and their being an undercurrent of attraction between the two characters.

The side characters were nice, and I may have to read Next of Kin just to see how the relationship between Del and Kade develops and progresses. Dawn’s mom and Caleb originally had me a bit worried about the two of them pushing her towards a straight relationship but that didn’t happen. A couple of side characters seemed to be thrown in for no reason such as Aiden’s ex and whoever broke into Dawn’s car (specifically whatever made the other detective say that it was personal) but most of the side characters made sense with the characters that had been set up.

Rape does play a prominent role in this book, not because it’s featured multiple times but rather because both characters work with survivors. Rape is also a fundamental fact that drives the plot of the story forward. However, to my limited knowledge, Jae handled the situation with grace. She didn’t ignore that the event occurred and pretend as though there are no lasting consequences of it. Rather the character suffered trauma from the rape and there was a lasting effect on her.

Bonus Favorite Scene: The ear conversation in Chapter 30

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