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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Book Tour: NO BETTER THAN BEASTS by Z.R. Ellor + Author Interview

Thank you so much to the publisher for allowing me a stop on this tour for No Better Than Beasts. I was so excited to get to take part! I even got to interview the author!! Make sure to check out Z.R. Ellor's answers to my questions at the bottom!



About The Book:

Title: No Better Than Beasts

Author: Z.R. Ellor

Pub.Date: October 15, 2024

A dark and captivating new take on the beloved Nutcracker story, ZR Ellor's YA fantasy debut, No Better Than Beasts, is perfect standalone novel for fans of Russian folktales, cursed kingdoms, fraught romance, and fairy tale retellings with a bite.

The Gogitdan siblings had suffered much to fight for their place in Szpratzian Society. Immigrants from the cursed neighboring kingdom of Kolznechia, they spent their childhood on the street and in workhouses until Vdradir, the eldest, lifted from poverty with the help of a wealthy patron.

Now nineteen, Nabik is a conflicted soldier, forever in the shadow of his older brother. Vdradir has been appointed governor, ruling and grasping for power with a merciless iron fist. And Drakne, their little sister, is a dancer who dreams of peace and comfort and protection. Together, they are as broken and divided as the land they once called home.

When a powerful enemy rises, and signs of war between the Szpratzian empire and Kolznechia begin to spread, the siblings are forced to choose―cling to power and safety or save the remains of their tattered bond? When Rat Kings and Pinewood Princes force them into the Kolznechian woods, the siblings will be forced to fight for their home and humanity with teeth and claw...


I don't think I've read a book by this author before, even though I've meant to several times. It just slips past my mind every time. I definitely think this was a good book to introduce me to the author though!

I absolutely loved this take on the Nutcracker. I'll admit that I don't know too much about the Nutcracker, only the absolute basics, but I think that helped to make it more enjoyable to me. I didn't have to worry about whether certain aspects of the story would be included or not. They either were or they weren't.

The world building in this book was just fantastic! I was enthralled by the story that Ellor was telling and the settings that he was describing. It was amazing how pulled into the story I was.
Author Interview:

What was your writing process like for this book?
I wrote this book back in 2019, when I was a very different writer than I am now. I didn’t have an outline, and barely knew what I was writing more than a few chapters ahead. I’m much more deliberate now about how I plan and execute books.

How did you come up with the names for the characters and locations?
I like to make up my own languages for books. Many character names derive from the Kolznechian language I came up with, though several are ‘translated’ to be easier to read. Fydir was once named Vdradir—the two names are pronounced quite closely, but one is easier to read.

How much worldbuilding went into creating this book?
This book is one of my lighter worldbuilding projects, which is to say: a lot of worldbuilding, and even more worldbuilding that was cut from the final book. I had to build a political system and an economy that would explain what the characters were dealing with and relate it to the real-world themes I wanted to weave in, so everything is fairly complicated.

What was the hardest scene for you to write and why?
The hardest part was a scene near the end where Drakne dances with her brother. It’s an important part of the journey they’re both on and I re-wrote the dialogue several times to make sure it said what I wanted to say.

What has been your favorite part of publishing this book?
I really loved getting to work with my editor. Mekisha took the fairly rough book I gave her and helped me work out how to take it apart, refine the themes, and deliver a finished project. I am so proud of the text I wrote here!

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Book Tour: NO BETTER THAN BEASTS by Z.R. Ellor + Author Interview

Thank you so much to the publisher for allowing me a stop on this tour for No Better Than Beasts . I was so excited to get to take part! ...