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Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Interview with LM Juniper, author of HOW WE BEGAN


Hi everyone!! I know it's been a short while, but I'm back with another interview again. Welcome LM Juniper (he/they) to the main stage for today's interview! I was really excited about interviewing them because his books seem interesting but also because I don't think I've asked anyone about the audiobook process before.

In this interview I asked him about his favorite part of writing, what drives them to write, whether they're working on anything else currently, and what it's been like working on the audiobook process. Read all the way through to find out his answers. As always links to purchase their books and follow them on social media will be included at the bottom, hope you enjoy.

When did you first start writing? When you first started, what were you writing?
I started really young. Even as a kid I loved telling stories and I remember that whenever I could I would sit and write. I kept writing throughout my teens, mostly fanfiction, but I never published anything. I'm ESL and my English used to be terrible. So I was always self-conscious about it, but in 2009 I posted my first fanfic and from that point on I kept growing as a writer.

I absolutely love writers that have written fanfiction! It seems like such a natural starting point for quite a few writers. I'm glad you took that chance!
What drives you to write?
It's really just about telling stories I love and I love weaving in layers of layers that come together in the end. Lately though I've been focusing on writing diverse stories featuring characters that actually look and have had similar experiences to myself. I think we live in a time where that is extra important, so that's something I'm super passionate about.

I love it!!! It is very important to tell stories with characters that you relate to and that other people will be able to relate to as well!! Kudos to you for doing that.
What's your favorite part of writing?
When words just flow. Even if it's a scene I haven't planned or even know what it's for. I also like exploring emotions through writing. I think it helps me understand my own and other people's reactions to things.

Ooh yes! Those are really good parts! I can definitely see how those would be someone's favorite parts!!
What was the publishing process like for you?
Long and arduous. Haha!
I went in knowing very little about self-publishing. I'd only had experience with fanfics and beta readers and thought the process was similar. Needless to say, it was a very steep learning curve, but I joined 20booksto50k on Facebook, I listened to many of their panels about publishing and read as many posts as I could. Since I'm self-published and didn't have a lot of savings I did a lot of the work myself. The cover, the formatting, marketing etc etc. Though editing was handed off to a professional editor. All the research and prep work for the cover also took some time. So it took about a year, from when I finished the first draft to launch day.

That's impressive! That you did almost all that work by yourself, but also that you did it in about a year! I feel like it would have taken me much longer. Congrats on working on the cover too!! That's so cool!
What does your writing process look like?
So messy! I work part-time and so I write whenever I can. On my way to work, at work, when I get home. Some parts I write in a notebook, others on my phone. I write scenes out of order. I basically write whatever comes into my head. Putting it all together can be like solving a puzzle sometimes. I also edit as I write, I know huge crime, but it's the only way I can write. If I don't my mind is busy thinking about that one thing I know needs fixing. So I just edit it and move on. It takes longer for me to write, but it works for me.

Haha, sounds like me whenever I've tried to write. Writing can be a bit chaotic sometimes but it seems as though you've found a process that works well for you! That's awesome!! I'm also very impressed that you edit while writing. Editing freaks me out so I just try not to do it.
Did you have to do any research or world-building for your books?
The story is set in England during the apocalypse so there were definitely things I needed to research. What happens to electronic locks once the power goes out? How many shipping containers are needed to create a wall around London? How do you actually make a Molotov? All those weird fun things I spent hours and hours researching. I also had to learn a lot about pathogens and fungi to make my parasitic fungi believable and not sound like a Last of Us rip-off.

Haha, nice!!! That's impressive! I wouldn't have even thought about the shipping container question. It sounds like you've put a lot of heart and work into these books.
I don't know much about the process of getting a book turned into an audiobook. What was the process like for you? Both in terms of the work you might have had to do as well as the feelings you had during the process.
So, I've only just started the audiobook process. Which is another one of those things that seem easy, but isn't. I spent hours listening to narrators thinking I'd found the perfect one, but it would all fall through once I got my audition.
They'd make the character sound weird, get the accents wrong, or just didn't click with me. I finally found 2 narrators, one for each main protagonist, that everyone agrees are perfect. Frankie, my narrator for Liv, explained that sometimes she'll read a sentence differently from how I heard it in my head when I wrote it and that's okay. That's her job as the narrator to be creative and bring the story to life.
As someone who has been involved with every step of this book, it was difficult for me to intuitively take a step back. But I'm very glad Frankie said that because it made it much easier to give her control of that part. She's the professional with the experience and I'm not and I respect that. Before I would always find little things that would put me off even if others loved it.

Wow! I've never really considered the audiobook process but it sounds like it can be a lot at times. Especially when you've been as involved in the creation of the book as you have been. I definitely see how that control could've been hard to give up. I'm glad you found narrators that fit your characters though!!!
Do you have anything else in the works right now? I remember spying a fantasy book listed on your website. Do you want to talk a bit about that?
Right now, I'm trying to fund the audiobook with a Kickstarter which is nerve-wracking. It's all-or-nothing funding so I have to reach my goal or it won't be funded. So I'm nervous about that since some of the readers on TikTok want an audiobook, but will I be able to fund it? I hope so, but I'm not sure. Lol
Other than that I'm writing the second book I'm the How We Survive series and I dabble with a sapphic Fantasy Romance on the side. I work on it when I need a break from my current writing project.

Oh wow! Yeah that definitely sounds nerve-wracking. I hope you can do it. (Note: The Kickstarter isn't live yet but you can find L.M. Juniper's profile here. Hope the writing goes well!! Definitely smart to have another book for when you need a break from your main one! I like that!
If LM Juniper's books sound like something you'd enjoy, make sure to check out the link included below to follow him or purchase their books. If you like what I do, consider giving me a follow on social media or donating to my Ko-fi.

You can find LM Juniper on their website, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook.

You can buy LM Juniper's books from Amazon.

If you can't buy his books but you still want to read them, consider requesting them to your local library or suggesting them on Overdrive!

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