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Monday, March 20, 2023

Blog Tour: SPELL BOUND by F.T. Lukens


Book Details

Title: Spell Bound
Author: F.T. Lukens
Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry Books
Publication Date: April 4, 2023
Genre(s): Young Adult, LGBT, Fantasy, Romance
Pages: 336
Bookshop Purchase Link: https://bookshop.org/a/67041/9781665916226

Reading Details

Finish Date: March 15, 2023
Format: Physical
Representation: Queer, Nonbinary
Trigger/Content Warnings: Violence, Death, Deadnaming

Rating: 4.5/5

Favorite Quote/Scene: 
"Even after walking the straight and narrow for decades, I'm still the monster in their fairy tales."

I was so excited to be invited to join the tour for this book!! Thank you so much to Turn the Page Tours for allowing me to take part! You can visit this link to see more information about the book and giveaway rules.

I really had no hesitation about this book. I saw the cover, read the summary, and knew that I wanted to read the book. It sounded good, right up my alley!

I'm very glad that that remained true throughout reading the book. Once I started I was hooked on it! I wanted to know what was happening next! Lukens did a good job, in my opinion, of creating a world and characters that just drew you in. I just wanted to spend more and more time with them until I knew everything that ther ewas to know about them!

I have to give kudos to Lukens' writing style. I thought it was absolutely amazzing! At equal times fantastical, realistic, and gripping. I rarely found myself bored by what was occuring or wishing that something different was taking place.

I do want to mention that towards the end I started losing steam with this book a bit, but I'm 90% sure it was personal. It did end with me lowering my rating down a bit, but if I ever reread the book I'll know for sure whether it was me or the book.

There is a giveaway for this book! Click here to enter!!

Disclaimer: I am a bookshop.org affiliate and may earn a commision on books bought using the link on my page.

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Thank you so much to Rockstar Book Tours for allowing me to take part in this tour for Zoe Brennan, First Crush. I have been looking forwa...