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Saturday, August 7, 2021

Review: The Tea Dragon Society

The Tea Dragon Society The Tea Dragon Society by Kay O'Neill
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Finished on August 6, 2021
Favorite Scene/Quote: Anything with the tea dragons

This graphic novel was absolutely adorable. I can’t express how much I loved the art style and how much I want a tea dragon.
This book was so cute. From the way Greta interacts with Minette to the actual art. Greta and Minette are adorable together and I’m hoping to see more about them in the other books in the series. The tea dragons are drawn as some of the most adorable creatures that I’ve ever seen and I love that at the back of the book they give you descriptions and art of the dragons.

I feel like cute is the best word I have to describe this book. The artwork is gorgeous and I love it so much, but the book itself is just plain cute. The relationships and the dragon. The way everything is portrayed. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who likes graphic novels but maybe plan better than I did and wait until you have the other two Tea Dragon books.

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