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Sunday, February 21, 2021

Review: Just Physical

Just Physical Just Physical by Jae
My rating: 5 of 5 stars 
Finished on February 21, 2021
Favorite Scene/Quote: Crash at the support group

4.5/5 rounded up

I got around to rereading this book today and I forgot how much I loved it. 
I’m always a huge fan of characters like Crash, tough and muscular but sweet. It was also very interesting to read a book where a character suffered from MS. I know very little about MS, so it was nice to get some information about that. Crash also had to deal with deciding whether she wanted to and was able to be with someone with MS while Jill had to deal with her own personal issues tied to her diagnosis two years prior. I especially loved the introduction of support groups for both main characters as a way to allow them to get information from people with more experience than them. This book is very well-written and watching the two characters grow together was an amazing experience. I also thought it was a nice touch to have the movie Jill was acting in be Shaken to the Core.

The only thing that kept me from rating it a 5/5 was the relapse towards the end. I kind of wish it had been a little earlier for more time to deal with the relapse and what relapses can mean to the couple, but it still works as it is. I love the side characters and I may end up rereading the other books in the Hollywood Series sometime this year as well. 

I’d love to read more about the two sometime in the future, though I could say that about any of Jae’s characters especially in the Hollywood Series. It’s a very enjoyable romance and I would definitely recommend it.

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