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Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Interview with Christen Randall, author of upcoming YA romance THE NO-GIRLFRIEND RULE


Today I am beyond excited to present to you my interview with Christen Randall. Christen's debut book, The No-Girlfriend Rule is releasing on March 5, 2024! I personally loved this book when I read it! It made me want to get involved in a TTRPG. The No-Girlfriend Rule is a queer romance between a teen and the bard she meets when she joins an all-female game of Secrets & Sorcery.

What did your writing process look like while writing The No-Girlfriend Rule?
Messy, honestly! I have ADHD, so my writing process is kind of all over. This was also the first novel I ever really wrote, so there was a learning curve as I figured out how to do this thing. But loosely: I made an outline including chapter and scene breakdowns, because it helps keep me on track as I draft. Then I drafted, which took me about a month and a half of working a little bit every day. After I finished, I let it rest--an important part of the process for me so I can be less precious about the next step, which is revising. I did what felt like a million rounds of revision, on my own or after beta reader feedback or with my mentor during a mentorship program. I wish it was more exciting! It was just a very "keep doing the next thing" process for me.

Sounds like this writing process worked well for you though. It doesn't have to be an exciting process as long as it gets the work done!
Are there certain items/snacks that you like to have around you while you write?
I love a little snack plate. I call them my Author Snacks. When I'm really focused in on writing, I can sometimes forget to take breaks to eat, so I'll make myself a mini charcuterie tray with cheese (mimolette is my favorite) and crackers and veggies and fruits and chocolate. That way I can make sure I snack as I work. As far as little desk trinkets, I've recently gotten a lot of Aaron's Thinking Putty (they have a Lost Treasure Guardians line that's Big TTRPG Energy) to fidget with while I'm noodling things. Also, always a picture of my cat, Spaghetti.

Yesss! I personally feel like snack boards are a very useful thing if you can sometimes forget to eat. I try to have a tray of snacks next to me if I'm ever going ot be sucked into an hours-long video game marathon...or a readathon for that matter. I'm personally not a huge fan of putty but I may have to order some of those putties at some point because the charms look super cute
I'm insanely curious. How did you come up with the characters in this book? And, if you're willing to expand, their S&S characters?
Characters always come first for me, but they always show up in different ways. Hollis and Aini were just kind of there one day, honestly, fully ready to jump into the story. Everyone else came in bits and pieces, inspired by parts of people I know or media I like or the kinds of folks I would love to play games with. For their S&S characters, I tried to think of the sort of characters my characters might like to play if they were actual people, but also what served the story. Hollis is a paladin because a large part of her story is bravely stepping into her truth, for example, but Fran is a barbarian just because of course she is, she's Fran. It was a lot of fun figuring out not only the real world characters, but how they might choose to express themselves in their game world.

Oh I love that. You're right though, Fran would 100% be a barbarian because well...it's Fran. I think the S&S characters lined up really well with the characters in the book. They just make sense.
The main character Hollis is a fat girl with anxiety, both her fatness and her anxiety are acknowledged and given space within the book. Why was it important to you to include those scenes?
I'm fat and anxious, and I've always been both. When I was Hollis's age, I never saw either of those things represented in media in a loving way. It was important to me with this book-and anything I write, really-to represent those parts of my identity on the page in ways that feel real to me so other people out there who look or feel like I do, like Hollis does, can see that we're worthy of our own stories, not just being relegated to the funny fat friend sidekick or the anxious cautionary tale.

YES! I love that. I didn't really get to read books with anxious characters in them growing up, at least not without it being something that had to be fixed. Now I'm getting more and more books with charactrs that I can relate to or who have aspects that I see in myself. It's so important and comforting to get to read about those characters!
Do you have a favorite scene or line in this book?
No spoilers, but the bangs cutting scene is my absolute favorite. It makes me laugh and tear up every time I read it.

OMG! Yes!!!! The bangs scene was so good!!!!
If I'm not wrong, this is your debut release, what has that experience been like for you?
It is my debut! Honestly, it's been a wild ride. There's been a lot of learning as I go. I'm very lucky to have wonderful people on all sides. My agent and editor are like, my dream team. I've also made some really great author pals along the way. Thankfully when I have random debut questions like "what is trade advertising?" and "is it normal to feel this anxious before debut?" I can ask them. But being an author has always been my dream, so as corny as it is, this is literally my dream come true.

I'm super glad for you! Being able to achieve your dreams is amazing and I wish the abslute best for you in the future. I'm also really glad that you got to find a team of people to help you through this! Sounds like you've got a wonderful support system.
What are three words you would use to describe The No-Girlfriend Rule?
Nerdy, queer, hug-in-book-form.

Yeah, solid! Hug-in-book-form is probably the best way to describe how I felt while reading that book.
What are some of your favorite games to play (video games, TTRPG, anything)?
I play Dungeons and Dragons (imagine that!) and have recently gotten into the Kids on Bikes system, which is so much fun. Honestly, I'll give any TTRPG a try! Same goes for board games. I'm newer to those, but have become obsessed with Wingspan, which is all about attracting the coolest birds to various habitats. I'm a big bird nerd, so it's entirely my kind of thing. For video games, I've always been a Nintendo person. I'm equally as likely to get lost in Animal Crossing or Stardew Valley on my Switch as I am to sink a day into Donkey Kong Country on my old Super Nintendo.

Okay, Wingspan sounds amazing and now I need to play it. I love Nintendo games!!!! Also, Stardew Valley is one of the most relaxing games I've ever played and I love it so much!
Are you working on any other books currently? Is there anything you can share about them? I'm very much looking forward to seeing what other books and stories you may put out in the future.
Aw, thank you! And yes, I am! I can't say too much yet, but I am working on my second contracted novel. It's not a sequel to The No-Girlfriend Rule, but it's in the same Covington where Hollis lives, which I jokingly think of as the Christen Randall Cinematic Universe. It's a queer, neurodivergent love story about two kids with ADHD finding their place. I'm just terribly excited about it. I've also got an itch to write some middle grade, so I may dive into that world soon.

Ooh, the Christen Randall Cinematic Universe! I'm excited! I am actually really excited to read that book when it comes out. I'll keep my eyes peeled for any more information!
Do you have any advice to anyone who may want to get into playing a game like D&D but, like Hollis, is a bit anxious about it?
Dive in. I fully get that it can be intimidating to get started, but playing a TTRPG is such a wonderful experience that it's worth being brave for. If you're looking for a gentle place to get started, grab some friends or family, or check in at your local library to see if they have a game night. Something I suggest, too, is to talk about the sort of game you want to play with people at your table before you get started. I always like to start games I DM off by asking players what sort of story they want to tell together-do they want a serious, RP-heavy game? One that is more combat and collecting cool loot? Shenanigans and with a sprinkling of mystery? Making sure everyone is on the same page makes sure everyone gets to be part of the adventure.

Also, seriously-play. One of my nerdy author dreams when I was writing this book was that someone might read it and find their way to a gaming table. It would make this author Gloria-levels of proud of you if you picked up the dice and rolled up a character.

I love that advice. It's solid if a bit scary to put into action. I need to find me a D&D group to play with. This is starting to become a serious goal of mine this year! I totally missed the free oneshot that the local card game store hosts once a month. I'll have to try and schedule better next month!
What are some of your favorite (queer and/or nerdy preferred but all options available) books?
If you want some more girl powered nerdy goodness, check out Jamie Pacton's The Life and (Medieval) Times of Kit Sweetley. It's one of my all-time favorites. If you're looking for books with big feelings and impeccable vibes, Jonny Garza Villa is the author you want! Their newest is Canto Contigo. For more fat-positive queer vibes, check out Jenna Miller-her debut, Out of Character, is about online roleplay, and her newest, We Got the Beat, follows the drama of a high school newspaper.

Oh I loved Kit Sweetly and Out of Character!!! The other two are definitely on my TBR list!
Thank you so much to Christen Randall for taking part in this interbview and for everyone who reads it! I'm definitely going to be keeping an eye out for any future writing by Christen and I strongly encourage everyone to read her debut. The No-Girlfriend Rule releases on March 5th and it is chockful of nerdy gloriousness! As always links to buy Christen's book as well as follow her on social media will be included below. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this interview and I hope you have an amazing week!

You can find Christen Randall on her website, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter.

You can buy Christen Randall's books from most major retailers. If you want a signed/personalized copy, you can order one from Joseph-Beth. For any UK readers, or anyone who wants a UK cover, you can order from Pushkin Press.

If you can't buy her books but you still want to read them, consider requesting them to your local library or suggesting them on Overdrive!

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