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Saturday, May 6, 2023

Interview with Cameron James, author of CASSIDY IS QUEEN and JUST LIKE A FAIRY TALE


Today's interview is with Cameron James (they/them) author of two upcoming novels in Cassidy is Queen and Just Like a Fairy Tale. I've seen their previous book, Kennedy is King, around before and something about the cover and title just always made me want to read it. I'm still just waiting for my library to get a copy. But I was very excited to be able to interview them and pick their brain about their upcomint books, especially with both currently being scheduled to come out this year!

In this interview we talked about what it's been like balancing two releases this year, how they got the idea for both of these books, what their writing process looks like, and what drives them to write. As always you can find the links to their social media accounts as well as links to preorder both of their books at the end of the interview. Thank you so much for joining us on this journey!

When did you first start writing? What made you want to be a writer?
I started writing when I was 13. It started from an assignment where we were told to write the first chapter of a book. I wrote about a boy called Nathan, who was 14, new at school and had instantly fell in love with another boy in his class - that assignment told me two things, I wanted to write, and I wanted to write LGBTQIA fiction.
Before that, Geography Club by Brent Hartinger actually was the first LGBTQIA book I'd ever read, and I had no idea until that book that queer fiction was even a `thing', so I knew I had to write enough stories to fill shelves with queer stories.

That sounds like an amazing assignment and I'm a little bummed I never got that assignment before. But that is truly a great way to discover that about yourself!

I've not read Geography Club yet but I keep meaning to. My introduction to queer fiction was A Love Story Starring My Dead Best Friend by Emily Horner.

What drives you to write?
The need to tell the story. Every day when I sit down to write, it is purely because I need my characters' voices to be heard, I need these stories to be told. The idea that someone, anyone may pick up my book one day and see themselves reflected in one of my characters, or one of their situations and find comfort in that is enough for me to write every day.

That is amazing and beautifully said!! I love that motivation!

What does your writing process look like?
Chaotic! I am a panster through and through. I will sit at the computer and allow my characters to tell me what they're doing next. I once tried to plan to no avail as I got bored - because I knew what was going to happen - it's almost like giving my characters freewill, I never quite know what's coming next but I will usually have a beginning, and an end goal and no idea how to get there.

Fair enough!! It does sound a bit chaotic, especially to me since I have to plan a lot to get anything done, but it seems to be working really well for you!

Do you have anything that helps you focus on your writing? Like fidgets or music or vision boards, anything.
I definitely need background noise. I will usually write with the TV on, or the radio usually on a programme or station that I don't need to actually concentrate on. It is simply to create some life whilst I go. I have book playlists on Spotify that are my pride and joy, whenever I hear any song that even remotely reminds me of my characters, in it goes!
I do have Pinterest boards full of outfits, and face casts and all kinds but a lot of the time that distracts me from writing rather than focuses me!

YES! I can't do anything without background noise! I'm curious about your book playlists now!!

You have two books coming out roughly with the same year (I say roughly because the release date for Just Like a Fairy Tale isn't confirmed). How has it been trying to balance the writing, editing, and promotions for both of those books?
Luckily, with Cassidy and Fairy Tale, I wrote them both a long while ago, and their initial edits were done before querying. I'm fortunate that SRL takes on most of the editing and formatting; it definitely frees up a lot of my time, which means I can continue to work on future releases.
Promotion can be hard, especially when promoting them both alongside my debut novel Kennedy is King, but I continue to find new and fun ways to get my books out there, especially on Tiktok (@lovecameron_) and I love the community that is on Tiktok and Instagram who also help with promotion every now and again!

Oh that does actually seem lucky! I couldn't imagine trying to do heavy edits for one book while the other one was in the finishing stages.

I've seen how hard promoting a book can be online, but I've also seen how amazing the community can be when they help!

Where did you get the ideas for these books?
Cassidy came to me whilst I was writing Kennedy. Cassidy is primarily a sequel (but can be read as a standalone with no issue!). Cassidy is Kennedy's twin brother, and he stole the limelight in every single scene he was in. I knew from very early on that Cassidy had his own story to tell. Cassidy's story focuses mostly on finding himself, his word and understanding what he wants from a relationship - things he's never really considered before, and with school coming to an end, Cassidy also grieves the kingdom he once ruled. His story was instantly an important one to tell, and I couldn't rest until I told it.
Fairy Tale came from a long line of characters - Just Like a Fairy Tale is basically starting at the end as they are both grandchildren of other characters of mine, and based in The Rose Quartet, an infamous drag club among my books - the idea, what if two of the drag queens fell in love rather than a Queen and her King Consort and Fairy Tale was simply born - it became more. It became a story about Luca's self-confidence, and his belief that he can be loved, whilst also being a story about Jackson accepting his demisexuality and taking another shot at a relationship.

That's amazing! I love that Cassidy was just too much to not write about! I also love the two drag queens falling in love!

How did you come up with the characters for each of these books?
Cassidy was created because I wanted Kennedy's twin to be identical in face but a polar opposite in every other way. I wanted to show two sides of a coin, and Cassidy, the flamboyant, brassy genderfluid theatre boy felt like the perfect fit for that.
Jackson I had created long-ago in the first drafts of The Rose Quartet series, he was a child of the drag club, and was created with that in mind. An amalgamation of all my past Queens - but the very best parts of them.
Luca, was created also for a different book, but in that story he was a baby so personality was minimal. Luca's one goal in life was to do drag, but I knew Luca had to also be shy, and reserved. He was a product of his fathers for sure.

That's amazing! I definitely saw the two sides of a coin in Cassidy and Kennedy!

I love tthe wording of "he was a baby so personality was minimal", it made me laugh more than it probably should have. But I do love how you came up with these characters.

Can you describe the vibes of both of these books in 5 words or less each?
Cassidy: finding your word

Fairy Tale: Learning how to love

Perfect vibes!!! Couldn't have done it better myself!!

What are you most excited about with the release of these two books?
I cannot wait to get The Rose Quartet and Rainbow Connection out into the world, these have been such integral parts of my life, and I cannot wait to start sharing these stories.
I'm also very excited about releasing two books this year with demisexual rep, from Casper and Jackson.

Yes! That is amazing! I also imagine it's a little daunting releasing these important parts of your life into the public, but I'm excited to see people relate to ehse characters! Also, yes!! More demisexual rep!!!

Thank you so much for joining me on this interview!! This was an amazing interview courtesy of Cameron James and I truly hope you pick up their books and find a character that you can relate to! Happy reading!

If you like what I do, consider giving me a follow on social media or donating to my Ko-fi. Thank you for reading!!

You can find Cameron James on their website, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter.

You can preorder Cassidy is Queen from Queer Lit and The Gay Pride Shop. The books are also available for preorder on many of the main retailers. There's also a preorder giveaway so if you do preorder the book, make sure to fill out this form.

Links for Just Like a Fairy Tale aren't quite live yet, but you'll be able to find them here when they are.

If you can't buy their books but you still want to read them, consider requesting them to your local library or suggesting them on Overdrive!

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