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Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Blog Tour: THE LAST FALLEN MOON excerpt + giveaway

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the THE LAST FALLEN MOON by Graci Kim Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!




About the Book:

Title: THE LAST FALLEN MOON (Gifted Clans #2)

Author: Graci Kim

Pub. Date: June 14, 2022

Publisher: Rick Riordan Presents

Formats: Hardcover, eBook, audiobook

Pages: 384

Find it: GoodreadsAmazon, KindleAudibleB&NiBooks, KoboTBD, Bookshop.org

Best-selling author Rick Riordan presents the second book in Graci Kim's magical and mysterious Gifted Clans trilogy.

"Graci Kim does such an amazing job of blending Korean mythology into the modern world, I am now wondering how I ever lived without knowing all this cool information."--New York Times #1 best-selling author Rick Riordan

For Riley Oh, life as the Godrealm’s last fallen star is not all it’s cracked up to be. Her new divine heritage doesn’t even come with cool magical powers; half of her friends and family (including her parents) can’t remember her; and to top it all off, the entire Gom clan is mad at her for killing the Cave Bear Goddess and stripping away their healing abilities.

But when their anger boils over and a group of witches curse Riley’s home, she knows it’s up to her to restore magic back to her clan – even if it means sneaking into the Spiritrealm.

Luckily, Riley has some backup. Along with her sister, Hattie, Riley meets Dahl, a heaven-born boy with shockingly white hair and a fondness for toilets who might not be telling the whole truth about who he is. Together they’ll fight vicious monsters, discover dark underwater worlds, and race to save the land of the dead from a fate that no one could have foreseen.

And this time, Riley won’t let anything get in her way. Because she can’t shake the feeling that something terrible is coming their way – and the gifted community is going to need all the powers they can get.




Even Washed-Up Heroes

Need Summer Jobs

Technology sucks. 

Wait, that’s probably a little unfair. Technological advances in the twenty-first century have  saved countless lives and connected millions of  people around the globe. It even allowed me and my friends  to talk to a gwisin, otherwise known as a hungry ghost, which  helped us solve the mystery of the last fallen star. Technology  is, objectively speaking, pretty amazeballs. 

Personally speaking, though? 

Yeah, it sucks. 

Hey, don’t judge. You would say the same thing if you’d just  spent the last two months of your life painstakingly copying  out books from the gifted clans library onto a laptop, sentence  for sentence, word for word. And during summer break, no  less. The Horangi clan are big on disruptive spellcraft, open source magic, and digital spellbooks, which is all great (the  latter especially for our carbon footprint). Except that it means someone has to manually input all the tomes into the cloud.  That person, currently, is me. Whoop-whoop! 

“Hey, Riley,” my friend Taeyo says, rubbing his eyes and  stretching his hands above his head. He’s been sitting next to  me working on an upgrade of his ghost-whisperer app, Ghostr.  He’s a coding prodigy, as well as a master wielder of his dominant element, water. “I’m going to take a quick break and get  some Pepero sticks. Want some?” 

Taeyo is a Horangi witch, and has been since he was born.  I, on the other hand, had to be initiated into the clan. That’s  because despite being born Horangi, I was raised by a family  of Gom healers. Now, I belong to both clans—even though I  can’t do elemental magic or heal. That must sound confusing,  but it’s kind of a long story. In fact, if I was a writer, I could  probably write an entire book about it. . . . 

“They’ve got all those new flavors. Go on, you should try  one,” Taeyo encourages. “You deserve a break.” I take advantage of the interruption to lean back in my  ergonomic chair and stretch my arms. I’ve been slumped over  my laptop, copying a book called The Spiritrealm for Dummies,  which is all about the gifted underworld, the reincarnation  process, and stuff like that. I’m getting paid by the word, and I  really want to finish these last few chapters before going home. “Maybe you’re right,” I respond. “Get me a cookies-and cream one, thanks.” 

“Good choice!” Taeyo gets up eagerly from his chair and  makes his way to the vending machine. “I’m going to try one  of those new pink green-tea ones. Exciting!” 

As usual, he’s wearing a bow tie, but it’s a mustard yellow one I haven’t seen before. It matches the shiny suspenders  holding up his grape-colored chinos over his salmon shirt. He’s  basically a walking Pantone swatch, which, despite what you  might expect, he pulls off surprisingly well for a geeky, earnest  thirteen-year-old dude. 

As Taeyo selects our Pepero choices on the machine, I  crack my neck and look around the brightly lit open-plan com mon room. It’s artfully housing a number of shared workspaces,  several air-hockey tables, some solitary sleeping pods, and even  a self-service ramyeon bar. 

I know it’s a Sunday, but it’s still pretty quiet considering  this is the main HQ for the scholar witches. Apart from me,  Taeyo, and my domesticated inmyeonjo bird-woman, Areum  (who, having shrunk to dove-size, is dozing on a bed of shredded papers at my feet), there are only ten other people in  the entire room. Among them is my sorta-still best friend,  Emmett—although it’s not easy being BFFs with someone who  doesn’t remember you—and Cosette Chung, a super-pretty and  supersmart Gumiho illusionist who is probably better friends  with Emmett now than I am. They’re both sitting on Swiss  balls in front of a large curved-screen TV, playing their favorite  video game, Battle Galactic

I will admit it—seeing Emmett and Cosette hanging  out here at the Horangi campus still blows my mind. Until  recently, the scholar clan were excommunicated from the rest  of the gifted community, forcing them to build a new home for  themselves away from the other five clans. What resulted is  this campus—a network of camouflaged tree houses covered in  mirrors, hidden in the leafy canopies of the Angeles National Forest. The scholars live, eat, study, and work here—and it’s  now one of the only gifted places left in the city that I can  show my face. 

Taeyo passes me my packet of chocolate sticks covered in  cookie pieces, and I nibble on them thoughtfully. A lot has  happened in the last two months. And none of it has been  good. Sigh. I guess I should take a moment to get you up to  speed? 

Well, first of all, you should know that in addition to being  a Horangi and a Gom, I’m also the last fallen star. If we’re  being pedantic, I’m technically a piece of the dark sun that  fell from the Godrealm’s sky, which makes me as divine as I  am mortal. And yeah, I know. It sounds cool. But I can assure  you—it has brought me nothing but doom and gloom. 

You see, it turns out not all goddesses are the kind, benevolent beings we thought they were. The Gom clan’s patron  deity—the Cave Bear Goddess—tried to kill me to get access  to the Mortalrealm, which would have been disastrous for  humankind. Not to mention a shock for the saram (aka the  non-gifted people), who don’t even know that magic exists.  Luckily, with the help of my family and friends, we succeeded  in preventing the prophesied “end of days” by destroying the  goddess. 

At first, it was a rush. The Mortalrealm was safe once more!  My sister, Hattie, was brought back in one piece! We had stood  up to divinity and won! We were heroes—hooray! And then reality sunk in. 

Without a patron goddess to power their gift, the Gom clan were no longer able to heal. My parents couldn’t bear  running the clinic without their gifts, so they closed up shop,  and instead got jobs washing dishes at Seoulful Tacos. We’d  rather be doing good honest work than be reminded of what we’ve  lost, they said. 

And despite having saved the world (you’re welcome, by  the way), a small but loud faction of healers became increasingly angry at me about the loss of their divine callings. 

Why didn’t you consult each and every Gom chapter in the  seven continents about your plan? (Uh, because I didn’t have a  decade to spare.) 

Why couldn’t you have just let the goddess roam the Earth? (Uh, because she made it clear she had zero respect for mortal  life.) 

Why didn’t you just come up with a better plan? (Um, did  they miss the part about me fighting against time to stop the  evil goddess before she ended life as we know it?!) 

As you can imagine, morale in the Gom clan—globally— has been at an all-time low. 

If that isn’t bad enough, my sister Hattie’s health hasn’t  fully recovered since she got back from the Godrealm. She’s  been having these weird sleeping spells, where she blacks out  for hours—and recently, even longer. She always wakes up,  eventually. But every time it happens, I spiral into a guilt trip  because it’s my fault this happened to her, and it’s my fault my  parents can’t heal her. 

But the worst part? 

My parents, the Gom clan, and all the Horangi scholars (even Taeyo) don’t have a single recollection of me before the  big showdown with the goddess. Their memories of me were  wiped in a deal I made with a dokkaebi goblin to summon  the last fallen star. In fact, the only person in my family and  my two clans who remembers me is my sister, Hattie. Thank  Mago for her. 

Oh, and I almost forgot. To top it all off, despite being the  Godrealm’s last fallen star, I have literally zero powers. Apart  from having shattered the goddess’s statue in the Gi sanctuary  (which, let’s face it, was probably an accident), I have been  able to do exactly zilch with my godly heritage. I’m a complete  failure. And it’s not that I can’t do magic that’s the problem.  The issue is that people are looking to me for answers. They  want to be assured that the other goddesses won’t be pulling  any more sneakies on the Mortalrealm. But how am I supposed  to know that? All I know is that I’m really good at making bad  situations even worse. 

Big deep breath.  

So there we are. You’re caught up now. So that’s why I’m  currently at Horangi HQ on a gloriously sunny Sunday after noon, learning about how the gifted afterlife—what we call  the Spiritrealm—is home to both heaven and hell. I wish I  could say it’s because I’m working on a way to protect the world  against any future attacks by the Godrealm. But the truth  is, I’m hiding. Over the last two months, the only thing I’ve  become better at is denial. Anything to dull the guilt and close  the doors to anyone and anything. Pretending that everything  is okay is much easier than the alternative. Trust me. 


The notification goes off on my phone simultaneously as  it chimes on Taeyo’s, Cosette’s, and Emmett’s devices. We all  check our screens at the same time to find that Hattie has  sent us a group message on KakaoTalk—a messaging app that  all gifted folks use. 

Everyone, listen carefully. I need you all to come over to our  house NOW. I’ll explain when you get here but come quick! Noah  and I are already here. This is important!! 

My half-finished Pepero box falls out of my hand and hits  Areum on the head. She wakes up with a jolt and flies up to  my shoulder. 

“Oh my Mago,” I whisper to her, feeling my chest get tight.  “Something bad has happened, Areum. I just know it. I can  feel it.” 

My inmyeonjo coos into my ear. “Do not panic, Riley Oh.  First we travel to the house.” 

“She’s right,” Taeyo says as he closes his laptop, calm and  collected. “There’s no need to jump to conclusions without  all the facts. Let’s head over there first. Listen to what Hattie  has to say.” 

I bite my lip. I might not be a seer, but my gut is telling me  that something isn’t right. Maybe one of the other goddesses  has finally decided to retaliate. In fact, now that I’m thinking  about it, I’m pretty sure I had a nightmare last night about  snakes, and everyone knows they’re bad omens. In the dream,  Hattie and I were stranded at sea, floating on an oversize pink  flamingo float, tired and dehydrated. When the clouds opened  with rain, we swallowed our itchy throats and yelped with joy.  Finally! Water to drink! Except it wasn’t rain at all. These slippery striped snakes started falling from the sky, slapping  against the rubber of the pink float and squirming against our  feet. Urgh. Nightmares (and snakes) are the worst. 

I quickly pack up my laptop, shoving the book I was copying in my bag, along with the queasy aftereffects of the dream.  I’ll have to finish the chapters later. 

As Taeyo and I leave the tree house down the spiraling  wooden staircase, I try to recall how my parents were this  morning. They had dark circles under their eyes, and their  hands were raw and chapped from their new jobs. But that’s  just how they look these days—tired and depressed. Could  something else have happened to them? The thought makes me sick to my stomach. 

We’ll be there ASAP!! I furiously message back to Hattie,  adding a line of frowning emojis. 

Jennie Byun, a Samjogo seeing witch and my former arch nemesis (now turned friend) responds immediately after me. David and I will be there straightaway, too. His attempts at  infusing a potion for me are failing epically. I’m THIS close to firojising his useless butt. 

Emmett sends a dragon emoji and a scooter emoji to the  chat, and then he and Cosette hurry to meet us outside.  Areum transforms into her full seven-foot stature and pecks  at her wing feathers to fluff them. 

“Hattie’s message sounds urgent,” Cosette says. “Let’s make  a move.” 

Emmett frowns. But then again, just stepped in dog poop is  his signature expression, so I try not to let that worry me too  much. He unfolds his scaly blue dragon scooter and jumps on. “Cosette, Taeyo, and I will ride Boris. Riley, we’ll meet  you at yours.” 

I nod as Areum nudges me with her beak. I don’t make it  a habit to ride Areum often—it’s not exactly ideal to risk the saram seeing a teenage girl riding a gigantic flying woman-bird  around LA—but today is an exception. I reach for her wings  and hoist myself onto her back. 

“Cosette, would you mind?” I ask. 

In response, Cosette rubs her Gi bracelet against her wrist,  activating her silver Gumiho gifted mark. As she chants the  words of a glamour spell, Areum’s brown-and-white-speckled  plumage shimmers like glitter before turning completely translucent. My own skin tingles as if I have pins and needles, and I  feel Areum giving her wings a test flap, making the air around  me ripple like waves in a pool. 

“You’re both incognito now. All good to go,” Cosette  confirms. 

Areum takes flight, and I grip tightly to her feathers. What ever news Hattie has to share, I have a very bad feeling about it. 

Thanks to Boris the dragon on wheels’ super speediness,  Taeyo, Emmett, and Cosette arrive at my house only a few  seconds after me. I don’t know if I expected to see the entire  thing burned down or what, but it seems eerily calm and quiet.  Which frankly, only makes me worry even more. I race up the  porch steps and run to the door. 

“Dude, you’re radiating anxiety like a nuclear reactor,”  Emmett calls out. “Just breathe already.” 

Everyone rushes after me, and I quickly give the door-sin a compliment. The bolt unlocks with a neat click! and after  taking a big deep breath, I push open the door. I have a terrible feeling about what’s waiting for us inside. 


Squiggly worms of colorful crepe paper are propelled into  my face. I shriek and slap them away. Am I imagining it, or  are there a bunch of people and a dog crammed into our tiny  hallway, all screaming at me? Also, why is everyone wearing  pointy hats? 

“Happy belated thirteenth birthday, Riley!” Hattie shouts  gleefully. 

Noah Noh, a Miru protector and Hattie’s (not-so-secret)  crush, is standing next to my sister, along with Jennie and  David, all grinning from ear to ear. My parents are standing  behind them, along with Sora and Austin, who I guess you  could call my newfound Horangi guardians. 

“Wait, is this some kind of party?” I pause. “But my birthday  was, like, a month ago,” I mumble, still reeling from the shock.  Then it settles into annoyance. “Honestly, Hat, I nearly had  a heart attack! I thought something terrible had happened.” 

Hattie’s wearing her favorite red-and-white polka-dot dress,  and she slaps her thigh, not looking even the slightest bit  sheepish about this ambush. “Sorry, not sorry. You should have  seen your face, Rye! It was pure gold!” She cracks up, and some  well-needed color fills her hollow cheeks. Our Samoyed, Mong,  picks up on her energy and runs happy circles around me. 

I swivel around to glare at Taeyo, Emmett, and Cosette.  “And you guys were all in on it, too?”

They look at their feet, and even Areum shrinks and hides  behind Boris’s wheels. 

“Of course you were,” I utter, my annoyance now turning  into ambivalence. 

Hattie grabs my hand and pulls me into the lounge, which  has been decorated in true gifted style. Confetti and streamers have been spelled to swim above our heads like rainbow  clouds. Candy of all shapes and sizes buzz around like bees,  searching for the next willing mouth to fly into. And there’s  even an enchanted balloon in the shape of a cheollima who’s  flapping its wings and neighing loudly. 

“Ta-da!” Hattie exclaims, as she waves proudly at a large  mirror-glazed cake on the table with thirteen candles hovering above it. They keep switching places with each other like  they’re playing a game of musical chairs. 

“Holy shirtballs, is that an enchanted cake?!” Emmett  squeals. “What kind?” Sensing Emmett’s excitement, Mong  jumps up and attempts to take a bite out of it. Thankfully,  he’s unsuccessful. 

Hattie nods. “It’s an everyflavor cake. The Tokki baker told  me that each bite would taste like a different flavor—chocolate  fudge, red velvet, funfetti, carrot, you name it. The more you  eat, the more variety you get.” 

She’s the most energized and animated I’ve seen her since  she came back to life. She still has that sick pallor about her  skin, and she’s so gaunt and skinny she’s basically just a pile  of walking bones. But her eyes are sparkling. She is so excited  that for a moment, I wonder if a party is actually what we all need today. An excuse to forget the world, put on stupid party  hats, and eat everyflavor cake. 

But then that numbness returns, reminding me that I need  to keep my doors firmly closed. The more I let everyone in,  the greater chance I can hurt them again. And I don’t want  to ruin any more lives. 

“Thanks, sis,” I say, trying to sound cheerful. “But you  didn’t have to do this.” 

Sora and Austin give me hugs and wish me belated birth day wishes. Austin’s hug is so OTT and forced that the ninja  stars on his leather jacket dig into my skin. Then my parents  take turns giving me hugs, too. It’s the sort of awkward half  squeeze, half tap you give a second cousin you barely know. 

I do my best to not show the hurt on my face, because  I know they’re trying their best. But I won’t lie—it sucks. It  doesn’t seem as bad with Sora and Austin, because we only  recently met each other. But my parents have been treating  me like a complete stranger who happens to live under their  roof. And that hurts. A lot.  

Sensing my discomfort, Hattie squeezes my hand. “We’ll  find a way,” she whispers into my ear. “We’ll help them remember again.” 

Eomma clears her throat. “Hope you weren’t too alarmed,  Riley,” she says politely. “We wanted to organize a celebration  that would befit a fallen star. Hattie wanted to surprise you,  but she is known to take things a bit far. Sorry about that.” 

Uh, I know, I want to say. There’s no need to tell me what  my own sister is like. After all, I’ve only spent my entire life with her. But I realize Eomma doesn’t mean it that way. So I  keep my mouth shut. 

Appa nods. “We apologize for not organizing something  earlier. As you know, Eunha and I—I mean, your eomma and  I have been . . .well . . .Things have not been easy of late.” 

“It’s okay,” I say, putting on a brave face. “I know. And  thank you.” 

Mong nudges me on the thigh with his wet nose, as if to  remind me that he’s here, too. I crouch down and sigh. “Love  you, too, you big goofy snowball.” 

He licks my cheek, then scratches at a small, slender pack age that’s tied to his collar. It’s wrapped in brown butcher  paper. 

“What do you have here, boy?” I pull it off him to find a  tiny note printed on the outside. 

Our choices define us, but it’s our actions that define our  choices. Happy birthday, fallen star. —Haetae (PS: Hope this  helps pull your locks together.)  

I gasp. “How did you get this?” I demand. “Was the Haetae  here?” 

Mong pants and scratches his ear in response. Ugh, why  has no one come up with a dog-translation app yet? Taeyo  needs to get onto that. 

I rip the paper open to find what looks like a short knitting  needle. It’s dark brown and the non-pointy end is shaped like  a curled-up worm, like a little hook. 

I frown. I haven’t seen or heard from the uni-horned lion  beast since he saved Hattie’s life two months ago, and now he gifts me single deformed needle? Is this his not-so-subtle way  of telling me I need to start up a new hobby? Ruuude. Areum squawks loudly as Mong chases her around the  room, and I put the weird gift away, feeling a little bruised  inside. If he came all this way, he could have at least stayed  to see me. But I guess even the Haetae thinks I’m a disappointment now. 

I somehow plaster on a smile for the rest of the festivities,  and even manage a genuine laugh when Jennie complains  about how David is the “worst infusing witch ever.” Supposedly, he had promised Jennie a love potion that’d make her  crush, Mateo, fall in love with her. Instead, it had stopped his  heart. 

“It took two entire hours before he started breathing again!”  Jennie whines, slapping her forehead. “Can you imagine the  stress I was under? My own heart almost stopped. Not even  exaggerating.” 

“I’m seriously so, so sorry, Jennie,” David repeats for the fiftieth time, his cheeks reddening even more than they already  are. “But he’s totally fine now, and I made sure to give him a  strong dose of Memoryhaze, so he won’t remember a thing.” 

She huffs. “The point is that you said it’d work!” She  crosses her arms and lowers her voice. “I was, like, actually really scared for him. What if he never woke up?” 

David places his hand on her back. “It would’ve been  entirely my fault. But I think I know what I did wrong, so I’ll  get it right next time.” He gives a small, hopeful smile. “Do  you want me to come over tonight? I’ll cook you japchae. The  way you like it.”

“Doused in giggling potion?” Jennie’s eyes sparkle. “You  better be coming.” 

Their exchanges make the edges of my lips curl upward. I  always thought they made an odd pair, but I love the way their  differences never seem to get in the way. Friendship is kind of  cool like that, I guess. 

By the time I hear the “Happy Birthday” song in both  Korean and English, and Appa ignites the enchanted candles  on top of my everyflavor cake, I am entirely spent. I wish everyone would just go home now. 

“Don’t forget to make a wish!” Hattie squeals as Eomma holds the cake in front of my face. 

I close my eyes and blow out the candles, wishing with all  my heart that things could go back to how they used to be.  Back to when my parents could heal, when Hattie was healthy,  when everyone’s memories were intact, and when everything  was how they should be. Before I ruined it all. 

Suddenly, there is a huge thud as something crashes into  the outer walls of our house. It continues, sounding like a  hailstorm, except that each hail sounds like it’s the size of a  boulder. Our gifted house shrieks and shudders in response,  curling its wooden floorboards up in fear. 

“James, what was that?” Eomma cries, grabbing onto  Appa’s arm. 

He flinches. “I don’t know. But it can’t be good.” We all run to the windows to look outside. There is a small  group of people standing defiantly on our front lawn, wearing  striped black-and-orange masks that hide their faces. Their hands are in the air, dripping with red liquid, and they are  chanting in Korean, their voices full of anger. 

My blood curdles. Have the goddesses finally come for me?  Is this why I had that nightmare about those striped snakes  falling from the sky? I’m not prepared. How will I protect my  family and friends?! 

“What are they saying?” Emmett says out loud. “Who are they?” Hattie asks. 

Sora exhales sharply. “It sounds like some sort of hex.” “They’re witches,” Eomma murmurs, her eyes widening.  “They’re cursing us with ill fortune and bad luck.” I gasp. So they aren’t goddesses. They’re from our own  community. 

“But why?” Noah asks quietly, looking worriedly at Hattie. No one responds this time, but everyone knows the reason. “Clan-wrecker!” one of the voices screams from outside, as  if to confirm the answer on everyone’s mind. 

“They’re Gom,” Appa confirms solemnly. “Our own clan  is attacking us.” 

Hattie stands staunchly beside me and squeezes my hand,  but I shake her off. My family and our house is under attack  because of me

“Everyone, stay inside!” Appa orders as he storms outside. No one obeys. We immediately all run after him and pile  out onto the driveway, just as the spell-casting strangers jump  inside the open door of a van. The door slides shut as the van  accelerates and disappears down the road. 

“Thank Mago they’re gone,” Eomma mutters. She turns back to walk up the porch steps, but instead she lets out a  pained whimper and falls to the ground. 

“Eomma? What’s wrong?” I swivel around to grab her, and  my jaw drops. 

Our entire house has been covered in a thick crimson liquid, and it’s seeping down the walls. It looks like the house is  crying tears of blood. 

“Why would they do such a thing?” Hattie demands, her  voice shaky. “What do they want from us?” 

Austin points to our garage, his face ashen. “I think they’ve  made their message crystal clear.” 

I take a sharp intake of breath. On our garage door, words  of hatred begin to appear in the same bloody ink, spelled by  the intruders to materialize, one jagged letter after the other: you don’t belong here, riley oh! 

you are a disgrace to your family and your clan. go to hell!


About Graci:

Graci Kim is the bestselling author of The Last Fallen Star, book one in the Korean mythology-inspired middle grade adventure series. Called a “sparkling yarn” by Entertainment Weekly, the Gifted Clans trilogy has been optioned by the Disney Channel for a live-action television series, and was a 2021 Goodreads Choice Award Nominee for “Best Middle Grade & Children’s Book”.

Graci is also one of the authors of The Cursed Carnival and Other Calamities short story collection, published by Rick Riordan Presents (Disney Hyperion), which became an instant New York Times bestseller.

In a previous life, Graci was a diplomat for the New Zealand foreign service, a cooking show host, and once ran a business that turned children’s drawings into cuddly toys. She lives in New Zealand with her husband and daughter. You can find her sometimes on Twitter (@gracikim), more often on Instagram (@gracikimwrites), and always at her website (www.gracikim.com).

Website | Twitter | Instagram | TikTok | Goodreads | Amazon | BookBub


Giveaway Details:

1 winner will win a finished copy of THE LAST FALLEN MOON, US Only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule:

Week One:





Feed Your Fiction Addiction

Review/IG Post


More Books Please blog

Review/IG Post



Review/IG Post

Week Two:


Lifestyle of Me



Okie Dreams

Review/IG Post


The Bookwyrm's Den



laura's bookish corner

Review/IG Post


A Court of Coffee and Books

Review/IG Post


wilted pages

Review/IG Post/TikTok Post



Review/IG Post/TikTok Post

Week Three:



IG Review/TikTiok Review


Read With Serena

Review/IG Post


Nonbinary Knight Reads

Review/IG Post/TikTok Post



Review/IG Post



Review/IG Post



YouTube Review/IG Post/TikTok Post


Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers

Review/IG Post

Week Four:



IG Review


Bookwyrming Thoughts



The Real World According To Sam

Review/IG Post


The Girl Who Reads

Review/IG Post


The Momma Spot

Review/IG Post



Review/IG Post


Ruei's Reading Corner

Review/IG Post

Week Five:



IG Review


Library of Alexandria Archives

Review/IG Post


Two Points of Interest




Review/IG Post/TikTok Post



IG Review

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