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Monday, April 25, 2022

Review: DOUGHNUTS AND DOOM by Balazs Lorinczi


Book Details

Title: Doughnuts and Doom
Author: Balazs Lorinczi
Publisher: Top Shelf Productions
Publication Date: September 6, 2022
Genre(s): Young Adult, LGBT, Graphic Novel
Pages: 136
Bookshop Purchase Link: https://bookshop.org/a/67041/9781603095136

Reading Details

Finish Date: April 23, 2022
Format: Digital
Representation: Lesbian/Sapphic
Trigger/Content Warnings: Magic bad-luck curse causes an injury

Rating: 5/5

Favorite Quote/Scene: 
""I'm texting with a witch now...cool, cool, cool, cool, cool...""

I saw this title and knew that I had to read this book. I couldn't pass up the chance to read a book called Doughnuts and Doom! Thankfully I was granted an eARC by the publisher and was allowed to read it before its release.

One thing I want to quickly say about this book is that it is, or at least it seems to me, to be a complete book. It doesn't read like the first volume of a series where there's a cliffhanger ending. It could possibly have more written about these characters, but it's not a necessity.

I really loved the art style in this book. I thought it looked really pretty and I loved the use of pink as a way of showing magic. At least it was pink in my advance copy, it could be different in the final version.

These characters were just adorable. I really loved both of them and I adored how they first met and their second meeting. It was just really cute. I also really loved that Margot's familiar, Stanley, isn't what most people typically think of when they think of a witches familiar.

In all honesty, I loved this book. It's not a deep book or anything like that. It doesn't require in-depth analysis. It's a cute story with two girls meeting in an unconventional way and learning from each other. It's cute and loveable and if my library gets in copy when it comes out, I want to read it in its final version.

Disclaimer: I am a bookshop.org affiliate and may earn a commision on books bought using the link on my page.

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