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Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Review: THE AVANT-GUARDS VOL. 1 by Carly Usdin


Title: The Avant-Guards Vol. 1
Author: Carly Usdin
Publication Date: August 28, 2019

Finish Date: October 15, 2021
Format: Physical

Rating: 5/5

Favorite Quote/Scene: 
Them conving Charlie to join the team

This graphic novel was absolutely amazing! I read the first two volumes in one sitting and I'm currently waiting on the third one.

I especially loved the variety in the characters that allowed them to feel different. I have a bad habit of getting individuals confused, but the designs and actions of these characters were good enough that I didn't have a hard time keeping track.

I try to come up with more things to say for a graphic novel but I tend to find myself stuck. This story was great. I loved the characters and the way that several (all? Not quite sure) of the characters were somewhere in the LGBTQ+ spectrum.

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