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Sunday, June 6, 2021

Review: Worthy of Love

Worthy of Love Worthy of Love by Quinn Ivins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Finished on June 4, 2021
Favorite Scene/Quote: The confrontation and follow-up at Overstock Oasis

I was interested in this book the second I heard about it. The idea of an ex-con meeting someone at her menial job and both of them having to deal with the attraction was beyond interesting. This book did a great job at keeping me interested. It dug its claws in me and kept me hooked until the very ending.
Nadine is an ex-con who was arrested for campaign finance crimes. She’s served two years in prison and is out, but she also happens to be one of the most hated people in America by democrats and republicans alike. She is having a hard time finding a job until she’s hired at Overstock Oasis. Her boss doesn’t realize who she is at first but Bella, one of her new coworkers, does and she’s not very happy about the situation. The two grow closer as time goes by and Bella starts to question how the Nadine she knows can be so different from the one who committed those horrible crimes.

I’ll start with the thing that I thought was the absolute best in this book. Ivins’ writing of people’s emotions and struggles. Nadine made for a very sympathetic character, even if she is an ex-con. She is clearly struggling with no support system and it’s taking a serious toll on her. She hasn’t been able to see her family in years and it hurts. Ivins’ also did a great job at writing Bella’s conflicted emotions when dealing with Nadine. She likes her, but she doesn’t want to like the woman who screwed the election up so badly.

I really enjoyed how the two of them got closer. It was honestly very sweet to watch as the two became friends and had to fight their feelings. They clearly like each other for more than just being around each other and they were cute together. I especially enjoyed that Bella wanted to learn Filipino.

This book also did a good job with Bella discovering that she has ADHD. The book touches on the topic and the way it presents itself in girls, but it also doesn’t do a deep dive where it takes away from the current story in order to explain the situation. It was just nice, especially because it helped Bella realize that her actions all these years weren’t just a result of her being lazy, not trying hard enough, or not being good enough.

The book did a really good job with its characters. Nadine was sympathetic and I loved her. Bella was very sweet, and I absolutely adore her, I also need to get a friend like her. The people we were supposed to hate were portrayed in such a way that we didn’t like them, without making them a cartoonish villain. They were realistic. All of these characters were people I would expect to meet, whether I want to or not, at some point in my life.

I really enjoyed this book. I could probably talk about it for a while with anyone who wanted to sit down and here about it. It’s amazing and if you have the chance to read it you should take it. This book will likely wound up being reread multiple times in the future and I can’t wait to experience it again.

Bonus Favorite Scene: The epilogue is amazing and adorable

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