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Thursday, April 15, 2021

Review: Detour to Love

Detour to Love Detour to Love by Amanda Radley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Finished on April 15, 2021
Favorite Scene/Quote: "Are you inviting me to the middle of nowhere to blow stuff up? That sounds super dangerous."

3.5/5 rounded up

This was an interesting premise, but I just wish there was more to the book.
Celia works in insurance and is on her way to accept an award, that she doesn’t want at all. She’s tense and angry and snappy at those around her. Lily is on her way to Tokyo to meet someone she met online, a friend that she hopes can become more. She’s excited about her trip and nervous about finally meeting Asami face-to-face. The two immediately clash over sandwich prodding and things continue to be tense between the two of them during the ride. A series of events unfurl that allow the two to realize that there is more than meets the eye.

Celia was a very hard character to like at the beginning. I understand why she was the way she was, but I just didn’t want to read about her for the first few chapters. She was mean to everyone and demanding and just annoying. Lily was excited and optimistic about her trip, but I also found her to be a bit naïve and it was hard to deal with. They both thankfully got better to like, and I found myself enjoying the rest of the book.

The romance in this book felt rushed. I understand that there’s only so much that they could have worked with given the constraints of the summary, but I just wish there had been more time for the relationship to develop. I think, outside of the last couple of chapters, the entire book took place within the span of a couple, maybe a few, weeks. The last couple chapters had some time skips that helped the relationship feel a bit more, but I think I would have liked to read about those development rather than gloss over them after the skips.

I was extremely happy with how Celia’s situation turned out. I’m trying to avoid spoilers, but I was really hoping that someone would say something to her that would help ease her emotional baggage. I don’t think I could have found a better way for the situation to have been handled.

I found that the beginning of the book was a bit slower to get through but around the time of their delay I was enjoying the experience and curious where it was going to end.

An enjoyable read that I wish had more substance. Watching the friendship develop was fun, even with the bumps, but I wish we had been able to watch the relationship develop in the same way.

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