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Monday, March 8, 2021

Review: Requiem for Immortals

Requiem for Immortals Requiem for Immortals by Lee Winter
My rating: 2 of 5 stars 
Finished on March 8, 2021
Favorite Scene/Quote: "She had talked to a child once. It had not run away."

Based on the reviews I read of this book I expected it to be better than it was. The writing is good, and the story is interesting, but I just couldn’t get into the book. I forced myself to finish the book simply to fulfill a category in a challenge.
I didn’t like either of the main characters or even most of the side characters. Natalya has a twisted view of just about everything and it’s infuriating sometimes. There were also multiple times where I just found her pretentious (for lack of a better word) about certain topics ranging from life to love to music. I also couldn’t stand that she referred to Requiem in the third person as though it was a completely separate person rather than a different persona. Alison wasn’t any more likeable. She was a bit of a pushover at the beginning of the story seemingly with no backbone. She got better towards the end of the story and I found myself liking her a bit more. But I just couldn’t like her and I can’t even pinpoint why exactly. Both characters also lie to each other which is revealed about halfway through and neither of them want to acknowledge their lies but rather blame the other for lying. I think I might have enjoyed the story more if both characters ended up with someone else entirely.

Even the side characters weren’t great. I didn’t like Marks (mainly because neither character did), Moore was horrible, and both parental figures in the story were bad. The only side character I really enjoyed was Hailey. I’m also intrigued by Sonja, but I didn’t necessarily like her.

The plot was decent enough as it was. An assassin sent to kill a target, but she can’t find out why anyone put a hit out on the woman. She gets to know her better after they conveniently meet and starts to have doubts. Even the twist about who Alison really is was decent. I just couldn’t get into it. The story felt like it dragged along and then towards the end it felt rushed. I didn’t mind the POV switch too much, but it felt like it came out of nowhere.

This book is clearly written by someone who knows how to write but I found the story and characters lacking and unappealing while I was reading.

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