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Thursday, March 31, 2022



Book Details

Title: Ellen Outside the Lines
Author: A.J. Sass
Publisher: Little Brown Books for Young Readers
Publication Date: March 22, 2022
Genre(s): Middle Grade, LGBT, Neurodiversity, Contemporary
Pages: 336
Bookshop Purchase Link: https://bookshop.org/a/67041/9780759556270

Reading Details

Finish Date: February 24, 2022
Format: Physical
Representation: Nonbinary, Autistic, Jewish, Gay
Trigger/Content Warnings: Outing

Rating: 5/5

Favorite Quote/Scene: 
"I had to make a new list."

I have so many thoughts about this book. I was lucky enough to win an ARC of this from the publisher and I was so ecstatic to read it. It took me a while to get around to it, but I eventually did.

I would probably put this book on my own personal list of Required Readings. The way this book handled topics like Ellen being autistic, friendships growing apart, and meeting a new nonbinary character who kind of throws Ellen off was amazing. I absolutely loved how everything was handled. Ellen was such a great character and I loved watching her grow and learn more about herself and the world around her. This was a stunning book and I loved every second of it.

Ellen has probably become one of my favorite characters from a book ever, Isa too. They're both amazing characters! Ellen is a sweetheart who is also dealing with her anxiety of her friendship growing apart and being stuck with a new group. I wanted to protect her through everything that was going on, but she was able to handle it. Isa is just so confident and solid. They are exactly what I wish I could have been in middle school.

The side characters were a bit of a mixed bag for me. For the most part I really loved Andy and Gibs, though Gibs got on my nerves some time. Ellen's father was amazing and I absolutely love their interactions with each other. Laurel is probably the one I didn't really like. She just rubbed me the wrong way and I didn't like her. I'm not sure if I was supposed to or not.

Okay, but the plot of this book was absolutely amazing! Ellen's class goes to Barcelona and the class has to group up for a scavenger hunt. It was amazing! I absolutely loved the descriptions of Barcelona and the various places that they went to visit. I love the clues and it made me want to learn Spanish so that I don't need to guess what the words were saying. The entire premise was glorious and I will obsess over it for a long time. Also, I'm a bit bitter that I didn't get a scavenger hunt in Barcelona during all my years of schooling.

I really liked how the book was paced. The drama and relationships felt built-up very well and the drama towards the end of the book felt authentic. It seemed exactly like something that was going to happen because of all the previous things that have happened in the book. Even the reconciliation made perfect sense with the situation and the characters we were introduced to. I just loved it. Nothing felt rushed or forced. It felt slow and steady without being boring.

This book is absolutely amazing! I feel like everyone should read this book and experience this amazing journey. The characters are a lot of fun (with one minor exception) and watching Ellen make friends with people who got her was amazing. The relationships and interactions between the various people in this book was mostly sweet and felt very authentic. The plot was well-paced and a lot of fun. I loved Ana on the Edge but this book was better! It was amazing and I'm so thankful I got to read it.

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