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Thursday, January 20, 2022

Review: FIRE BECOMES HER by Rosiee Thor


Book Details

Title: Fire Becomes Her
Author: Rosiee Thor
Publisher: Scholastic
Publication Date: February 1, 2022
Genre(s): Young Adult, Fantasy, LGBT
Pages: 410
Bookshop Purchase Link: https://bookshop.org/a/67041/9781338679113

Reading Details

Finish Date: January 5, 2022
Format: Physical
Representation: Demiromantic, Bisexual, Nonbinary, Asexual
Trigger/Content Warnings: Fire, Violence, Death, Sexism

Rating: 5/5

Favorite Quote/Scene: 
"So no, I don't ever want to reach the top. I'm just looking for my scrap of middle."

I wasn't expecting to receive an ARC of this book, but I am very thankful to the publisher for sending it to me. The cover and summary of this book made it sound absolutely amazing.

I thought this book was one of the absolute best things I've read. The characters were amazing and engaging, the plot was enticing and kept moving, and the world was realistic with whimsy.

My favorite part of this book, hands down, are the characters. Outside of our main character we had a host of side characters that were involved. Her boyfriend, her best friend, her co-workers from both political sides. The author had a way of making every character feel important. None of them felt like a character thrown in randomly. They each had a part to play and an influence on our main character.

Ingrid, our main character, is probably one of the most well-developed and realistic characters I've read in a young adult book in a while. She wasn't this character that seemed overwhelmingly wise beyond her age. It was clear that the skills she had and the knowledge she had were byproducts of the life that she had lived. She was an intriguing character who was given room to grow and develop as she was confronted with new ideas and met new people. I enjoy characters who have to acknowledge where they went wrong.

The setting of this book was something I didn't expect to enjoy. It was a lot like our own world, at least how I pictured it, but Flare adds well, flair, to the everyday world. I like that Flare wasn't just something used as a form of showing off wealth, it was also used to light lanterns or to vote. It was intricate world design that didn't bang you over the head with a bunch of world building details.

I read this book in one sitting. The plot moved fast enough where I couldn't bring myself to put down the book for the possibility of missing what was coming next. Some of the conflict might have been a bit obvious, but I still found that it didn't go in the way that I was expecting.

This book was absolutely amazing! Such a great book to start 2022 off with. I absolutely loved this world and these characters. I would love more of this world; I just don't think it's likely (though I'd kill for a book of Gwendolyn). The plot was entrancing, and I couldn't bring myself to put the book down once I started it. It was amazing!

Disclaimer: I am a bookshop.org affiliate and may earn a commision on books bought using the link on my page.

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