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Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Review: The Girl from the Sea

The Girl from the Sea The Girl from the Sea by Molly Ostertag
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Finished on June 7, 2021
Favorite Scene/Quote: "Okay. Naked girl. This is an entirely different kind of stressful situation."

I love graphic novels and this year I’ve been able to find several LGBTQ+ graphic novels. I’m very happy that I was able to receive a digital review copy of this book from Scholastic and Edelweiss. I thought this book was excellent, but I also really want to see what it looks like in full color.
Morgan wants to escape her life on the island and live her life to the fullest once she graduates high school. She’s already planned it out. She wants to leave her brother whose always angry and her friends who are great but don’t get her. She also really wants no one to find out her secret-that she wants to kiss girls. She almost drowns one day but is saved by a girl named Keltie. Keltie claims that she’s a selkie and that the kiss allowed her to walk among land.

This was really cute. The art looked beautiful, even when there was no color, and I just really enjoyed it. The story wasn’t overly angsty, but it wasn’t all cute either. The characters had problems that they had to deal with, but nothing overly serious was ever on the line. Serious books are important for people and real representation, but so are stories that are happy and pure.

I really enjoyed the story and found that I was invested. Keltie seemed unbelievably sweet, and I adored her. Morgan just seemed anxious to leave and find somewhere that she can be herself. I do think that the story didn’t really set up a reason why Morgan felt uncomfortable coming out, but she doesn’t really need one to be fair. Feeling uncomfortable is reason enough to not want to come out.

I really enjoyed watching the two characters bond and grow closer. It was cute and pure, how a teenage love should be portrayed more often. They were adorable together and it made me smile. I’m a sucker for a happy couple.

The ending really left me wanting there to be a sequel or something. I don’t know if that’s likely. This book works very well as a stand-alone. I just personally really want more with Morgan and Keltie.

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